Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Sails Unravel to an Ample Sunn by C.S. Leaf

O' cool is the valley*
and tenderness
arched stood
thin by the alder tree
and be
Arcadian wood deep in its grove
In that mossy cove dwelling therein
I'll visit you
Leaves apparel your trundled hair
That which makes the one thing untrue
await me there
for love is at her noon**
Eyes who grant me pardon
believe my words that I am wise
I'll tender you a garden
when in love
As a piping tea pot over dew
with this tenet of verses I'll solemnize
our surrender
demolish myself in your
conjured kiss
or desolate cry
Love's far sweeter than fear on the nigh.
For who does all the sunny wander?
Live I here between your eyes?
While you sing a joyous antiphon
Conjoining us more fond
rebutting the sun with all that lace
conjoined in your veil obsequioum
Your eyes unfold as waves disclosed
as sails unravel to the ample sun.
Like a tun shell's spiraling barrel
The night the moon filled the sky
unrobed in her austerity
for our epithelium
riproariously objectifying the obscured night
tears the dark asunder
and the starry lexigram’s trinity undone
I am of you a pertinence
to your portentifical wonders,
of Infinity
we are of another innocence
Bequeath deity's dust an-
-on obscenity
and envy of the Yankee’s vanity
Of Puritan decent
in-decent... decadent
Love took moons azure step,
take our envy of stars
sight, and vacant sea
of seas
off seas
Who’s Sirens sing sailors into
An impasse of aphasic, cycloramic, night womb
calcified in one fixed phrase of bloom
Embalming butterflies with perfume
recesses are, in lonely elevator's
drop “us” from “one”
In the center of time and space
-there is neither space nor time
a lonely altars ever-noon
All afternoon leaks,
of shame
and falters,
who's pilgrims pang
who's drunkards sang
against the bankment
trundled by the water’s gutter
over cobblestones the runnelling water, sang
Sweet of love and opium
and sweets the pure will never know
As their numbers crept across thy show
None will lift their eyes
nor gaze up to this world, who build the tide-step’s descent
that never blame toil, aligning thy trust freely with what
silence alone dost bestow
We are of another innocence
O' cool is the valley
and tenderness
arched stood
thin by the alder tree
and be
Arcadian wood deep with all its hours
when love is at her eve
she gift's love's flowers with eternal bloom
Sachet toujours frais qui parfume
L'atmosphère d'un cher réduit,
Encensoir oublie qui fume
En secret a travers la nuit...
Salut en l'immortalité! +
We are only love and laughter’s song confessed
In-wind when in the willow’s leaves
A dappled thought and grave
on wide eyes, that heard.

** JAMES JOYCE, CHAMBER MUSIC (Line is the same gender is changed “his”
to “her”)

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